Reincarnation Sickness

“Reincarnation Sickness”, as it’s known in popular culture, is actually two interrelated syndromes. From Lethe Toxicity comes the classic symptoms associated with difficulty forming new memories (forgetfulness, inability to form emotional bonds, difficulty learning new skills), while from the second and more controversial syndrome—so controversial, in fact, that its name is unsafe to write or speak—come symptoms related to the soul’s difficulties anchoring itself. Hallucinations, “wandering Ka” and “wandering Sa”, and the attraction of various metaphysical predators to the unprotected Sekhem.

Lethe Toxicity is progressive and currently incurable, though there are several promising avenues of research related to building tolerance during life and buffering the soul immediately before death. The second syndrome can be mitigated in a variety of ways during life, and there is evidence that some of these persist between incarnations; however, failure to do so successfully results in soul-death by predation. Over-success (such as, for instance, investigating the origins of the syndrome or giving it a name) risks invoking the gnostic heresy and being excised from the Wheel and the River.

Over-success or soul-death are invariably seen within seven reincarnation from onset.