Item 259

Warning: Under no condition may any warform be exposed to Item 259 or its byproducts. If deployed against Empire’s enemies, all measures must be taken to prevent their warforms from being exposed. Other contamination must be contained and excised per standard protocol.

Precautions: Remade, Veiled, and Burnt individuals appear immune to Item 259’s influence, as are all awoken bearers of Empire’s bloodline. All other individuals are susceptible. Exposure may be prevented by combined hazardous material and hazardous information precautions, and treated by immediate1 soulburn and sterilization.

Understanding: Item 259 is a hostile parasitic thoughtform, capable of spreading through both informational and physical vectors. It is intrinsically hostile to Empire. Exposure to Item 259 causes individuals to sin against Empire, reducing effectiveness in their assigned roles. If forced to continue in their role, this sin grows within their body, eventually cause them to spread the contamination to their surroundings (via vomit, tears, ████, and complete rupture); if moved to a non-essential role it grows more slowly, allowing them to spread the contamination through communication with other workers.

The sins which Item 259 causes include █████, ███████, ████, rebellion, and hatred of Empire. A full list is available to fully veiled acolytes.

Origin: Item 259 is believed to predate Empire.

Additional details are classified. Assert privilege?

Truth: Item 259 is a Power2 associated with the concepts of ████ and ███████, which were believed to be intrinsic to human experience by pre-Empire peoples. It appears to predate mammalian life, placing it among the oldest known Powers. It is intrinsically hostile to Empire, and its existence is incompatible with Empire's apotheosis.

Item 259 was excised from Empire's body at its genesis, but remains present within unsubjugated societies and regularly re-enters Empire during successful conquests. Efforts to improve integration/assimilation protocols are ongoing.

  1. a thaumaturge whose being has been inextricably entangled with a fundamental aspect of the Real. ↩︎

  1. within no more than ten minutes. Contamination is detected by an individual’s reaction to depictions of cancer-thrones or blood carnivals. ↩︎