Doll of the End

Loosely connected stories concerning the misadventures of the titular Doll and her implied witch. Focused on body horror and the end of the world. Originally written during #EmptyOctober 2022.

The Comet

The ground is warm beneath Doll’s back as she lies in the fire’s ruins, its erstwhile host’s half-frozen blood splattered all around her. Her skin is pristine; her witch’s wrath was careful when that pitiful storyteller finally turned its teeth on her.

She enjoys the warmth with the same sad hunger as she might regard her last meal before execution, were she a thing which could die. There’s precious little of it left in the world, and the false-sun’s baleful eye leeches more away with each passing day.

Read on … ( ~2 Min.)


“Are you sure this is okay, Miss?”

“Of course it is. Get that lock open.”

Doll’s fingers, long and fine as needles, dip inside the keyhole once again. She fancies that she can hear the house shudder as she massages its pins, and it’s hardly a moment before the door clicks open. Behind her she feels her witch’s smile: a vast gash cut into the night’s fabric, teeth dripping with the moon’s pale blood. Its empty eyes gaze hungrily past her from the sleepy suburban street’s every shadow, and Doll thanks her lucky stars that no one’s awake to see it.

Read on … ( ~11 Min.)